Children of Jerusalem

Children of Jerusalem
welcome Jesus, as he welcomed you,
despite adults’ raised hands and voices;
the angry frowns and looks that could kill.

He comes for you –
let your joy be as unrestrained as his love;
be happy in his presence while you play,
it is balm to his hurting soul.

Have no ambition for this grown-up world
which has lost its way of wonder
and forgotten how to see things
as they really are.

See him on the donkey and laugh at the fun of it.
Spread your palm leaves, dance before him and
live in this precious moment.

One day you will understand
why innocent humility
entered your city and your life.

But, for now,
it is enough just to experience it
as only you,
Children of Jerusalem,

(c) 2021 Graham Oakes

Palm Sunday 2020

This Holy City, silent now,

no congregating crowd;

no busy bustle in the streets,

no meetings are allowed.

But still Messiah makes his way

despite no welcome praise;

his mission, yet to be fulfilled,

the cross must still be raised.

He comes for one, he comes for all;

the sick, the lame, the lone;

he brings his comfort, peace and grace,

to make his Kingdom known.

So listen, in the silence now,

can you make out the sound?

The stones are singing out his praise,

Redemption Love abounds.