Viewpoint: Does democracy lead to tyranny?


I found this item  on the BBC News site recently and it is a fascinating reminder, if one was needed, that even the best form of human government can descend into terrible tyranny and misrule.

The words are those of Plato, student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle, he was one of the major founders of western political and scientific philosophy.

It is , of course, no accident that it was  aired within a few days of the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States. There is much about these times that make many concerned and even fearful of what may come in the next four years. But it is more than a reaction to one President, one form of government, and one flavour of political party. Rather,  it reminds us that however much trust we place in systems and people; however much we strive for the best and invest in movements and power bases; however much we argue for right and justice we are eventually left with the bitter taste of disappointment and failure or frustration and hopelessness. The reasons may be socio-economic or accidental; perhaps due to war or overwhelming natural causes. Basically, there is an innate inability for us to ‘get it together’ – as families, as nations, and as a planet.

If we can’t rely on democracy what hope is there?

About 400 years after Plato another young man gathered a group of followers and taught them his way. He spoke to them about truth and peace and justice. He taught them to love God and their neighbours to their fullest ability – even to the point of sacrifice – as he himself was willing to show. In his teaching to the crowds Jesus laid out a blueprint for society which, if followed, would not need parliaments, election campaigns or opposing parties. Everyone would be looking out for each other and honouring the lowest as much as the highest.

Yes, of course – it is ‘Pie in the Sky’ and completely unattainable – if we approach it with the eyes of history and humanity.

But, if we are prepared to listen and follow what Jesus said we can find a refreshing alternative philosophy for life and living. One that is not propagated via a religion but by and through relationships. This is true Equality and Freedom.

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